Monday, July 20, 2009

Oh. and the best one.

First they ignore you… ( no one responds at SM )

then they laugh at you… ( object of mockery at SM )

then they fight you … (banned from SM, deal with punks like 'pot meet kettle')

then you win … (stay tuned - one day, males and females will be treated equal in this society)


Awwal Number said...

sepiamutiny: where gunga din meets trashy media whore.

That place is a fuking pigsty if ever there was one. They have made sucking the whites into an olympic event. You can forget about male female stuff. the male abcd's are even more dedicated bitches of the white man than the females. just look at the mofo abhi - he's started pimping for the US government.

truly shameless gunga din fukups.

THE_HMF said...

you are entitled to your opinion. I have no quarrel with them, other than their refusal to accept all points of view in a debate, to which they claim.