Wednesday, August 5, 2009

a wake up call.

If this isn't a wake up call to push for a society that treats men and women equal.. I don't know what is.

Now I know what you're thinking.. "This guy is sick! he's a lunatic! he's a ... whatever" and yes, anyone who's willing to take their own life, and that of others, certainly is all of those things... but look what got him there...

a society that positions women in such a point of power, where a guy feels he has to take a gun to match that power.

This should be a wake up call. Now instead of arguing with me, how about we try and figure something out to stop this sorta thing.. hmmm?

By the way, I'm sure what this guy certainly did NOT need, was women telling him 'ugh you're so bitter , you're just angry, you're just this, you're just that!"


anonymouse said...

hmf! you're still alive! i was worried after i heard the news about that gym shooting.

THE_HMF said...

gee. that one couldn't be seen a mile away.

and thats exactly my point. this guy probably got ridiculed the same way you're attempting to do to me now.

Im sure the families of those victims appreciate the great and wonderful wit demonstrated by your type out there.

anonymoose said...

Im sure the families of those victims appreciate the great and wonderful wit demonstrated by your type out there.

Do not forget to invoke the Holocaust, 9-11 and WW 1 victims too.

this guy probably got ridiculed the same way you're attempting to do to me now.

Just tell me which gym you use, and I'll make sure to stay away.

THE_HMF said...

What's your malfunction? are you that dense to not even acknowledge that absent this guys anger and frustration at the clear double-standard, maybe these women wouldn't have had to endure what they did.

"Just tell me which gym you use, and I'll make sure to stay away."

You think I'm the only person who feels slighted that we live in a society so blatantly unequal ? The guys that repeatedly plug your hole feel the same way, they just aren't honest about it (honesty is one of my many faults I guess, belief in equality is another)

Go head, Im waiting for your next disrespectful comment toward these victims. maybe you want to disrespect the jewish holocaust victims as well

anonymorse said...

maybe you want to disrespect the jewish holocaust victims as well

aww, hmf. i predict and you behave exactly that way. you are about as much of a surprise as a riproaring fart after a baked bean dinner.

now women have to spread their legs for you because you might shoot them otherwise? let me know how that works.

THE_HMF said...

No. women have to not clamor for equality on one end, and push male/female differences that benefit them on the other end. It's called hypocrisy. or "DoubleThink" as orwell called it, the process of holding two contradictory or incongruent view points (ie. men and women are equal, men have to take care of women)

I dont eat baked beans. I eat soy. so fck off.

THE_HMF said...

by the way, you're completely right. I am predictable.

I just believe in equality.

See, easy to predict right? any course of action that drives inequality further I'm against. easy to predict. It's easy when you have simple values and don't complicate things by applying equal treatment selectively.

And you're on some vintage anti-HMF kinda stuff here, you know, misconstrue what I said (ie. that I justify, condone or would ever repeat the tragedy that occurred) and force me to answer for something I've never said.

Here I thought you were some kind of neo-hater, you're just a paleo-hater.