Sunday, August 3, 2008

My first sexual experience.

Are you f'n kidding me?... do you expect me to actually blog about this?


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Its about time.

THE_HMF said...

Goddamit, the second I turn off moderation...

The intent of the post is..

"Are you F'n kidding me, as in do you really expect me to actually blog about this?"

THE_HMF said...

Manju.. Although, Id imagine my first experience in this realm would be a kin to your first experience where you realize uncle tom'ing is a soul crushing, dehumanizing way to exist... as I did many years back.

THE_HMF said...

whenever that experience actually occurs for you...

Anonymous said...

So you're saying that your first experience was (or will be) soul crushing and dehumanizing?

There's always vows of lifelong celibacy as an alternative.

THE_HMF said...

No, I meant that it was life-changing.