Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The saga continues.

So I posted a message on SM after my banning, which they kept but switched the handle around to shroud its true source:


I responded to the SM staffer personally, but I wanted to put it up here for those few lost souls who continue to meander to this corner from time to time.

*note this is not a verbatim response, it's a paraphrase, with some more added.


Thats my name. dont wear it out.

Let's leave aside the fact that I haven't even had the opportunity to respond to your email...

this wasn't made known to me until now.

Let's leave aside the fact that you circumvented being banned, which was a total middle-finger at all of us and what we are trying to do (we didn't ban you impulsively, or without discussing it)...

if you mean by posting from a different machine, you wouldn't even have known had I not used my true handle. Secondly, the banning was impulsive, as the "explanation" given came later. And what exactly are you trying to do? stifle opinions that deviate from your own?

And finally, let's leave aside the vitriol-laced tirade of comments on your personal blog about us, regarding how we like to give Razib rim-jobs, where Manju patiently, repeatedly articulated our (and many of our readers') concerns better than even we could...

My blog is my space. I know some of you like to think you're all powerful, but the line must be drawn when you start to govern what other people say on their blogs. Also, if comments where I state my great respect for the work you and your crew have done constitutes "vitriol" I shudder to think what constitutes praise.

I'm sorry if my opinions of Razibs post makes you quiver. i find them cumbersome and preachy.

...your second comment after the helpful, on-topic one about Selvam was obnoxious. A massive "fuck you" to all of us. "Guess I'm back and better than before" or some such sentiment.

thats a misunderstanding then, it was my acknowledging that you had chosen to make the ban less than permanent.

THAT is why I deleted it. If you notice, the comment where you didn't congratulate yourself for breaking rules, the comment which wasn't rude or hostile or combative is still up.

After you turned me into a soft-core porn magazine.

And please don't print this email. Not cool,

Well, I believe banning someone unjustly is equally uncool. besides who even reads my blog anyway?

but you have no respect for us (and especially me), so I don't have high hopes.

well, again, I must say your respect for my point of view has deteriorated of late as well

I have always defended our decision to allow you to stay when others have been banned for far less. I have always tried to be fair.

The only problem is, I do actually provide engaging commentary and discussion, if I was a common troll, as you would like to believe, I would have been banned much earlier.

As for topics I repeatedly bring up, I think they are important. I'm sorry you don't. but these are two I've studied and pondered for years.

So, with certain topics in hand, I will say I am energetic about my opinions, but again, I've never directly attacked someone until provoked. Then the gloves come off. Isn't that fair in your book?

I am not posting on SM regularly or writing you back immediately for a reason: my health.

I hope you feel better.

Instead of giving me the courtesy of hearing me out and working with me, you switched IPs like a common troll and came back anyway (and then left a bad comment after a good one).

The good comment is effectively deleted, as it's not ascribed to me. Im not sure what "hearing you out" and "working with you" means, but I still maintain I did nothing other than state my own opinions (and if people deem it off topic they can choose not to respond)



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