Saturday, January 10, 2009

Analyzing female hypocrisy to its core.

Let's re-visit female hypocrisy, and have a look at the root of the behavior. Simply put, hypocrisy is, by definition:

a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.


So in essence, it's the feigned practice and ownership of certain character beliefs and traits, that one does not possess. How is this lack of possession ascertained? Do people walk around with ID cards carrying the information of all the beliefs or principles they adhere to? No, it's through action and behavior, we induct backwards to underlying principles they stem from.

How does this manifest in the majority of women in the world? Well, in a western dating approach, when women believe that men should do the approaching, men should pay for dates, men should act as providers, etc.. but simultaneously profess a belief in equality of the genders and sexes. This amounts to hypocrisy. and here's how it's explained away.

Women, dont actually want equality in all things. they only want equality in certain things that they've been denied and prevented, from having because they are female. ie. voting, jobs, salary, etc...

However, when it comes to things that society entitles them to have, there's no questioning at all. essentially they takes what they can get. But what they don't realize is, the entitlement is historically rooted in the same "preventative" discrimination they stand against - and herein lies the essence of the hypocrisy. So a man paying for a woman exists as tradition because she was thought of incapable of working and making money for herself in a "man's world". So in the entitlement, is the original discriminatory underlying principle, a woman accepting money/payment/etc.. for social interactions is basically saying, "I am incapable of existing on my own, as an independent individual, and am dependent"

So, again it comes down to rejecting discriminatory practices across the board. sexist is sexist, irrespective of the direction.

1 comment:

THE_HMF said...

just to add, 99% of women out there, intelligent and analytical women, freak out and shudder when this type of logical argumentation is brought to their doorstep.

A lawyer, even had the gall to say "as a lawyer I dont understand your logic" yet provided no logical counter argument.

A highly intelligent endocrinologist in a major metropolitan medical center responded,

"a guy should chase me, that's the way it is, I won't defend it"

This is someone who just wrote a highly analytical paper researching thyroid cancer.

It's 2009 for everything else, why in relationships does it revert to 1949?