Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm rick james bitch.

apparently, this is the only way to really attract women.

*all due respect to mr. james' soul.


Anonymous said...

That only works if actually are Rick James.

Anonymous said...


THE_HMF said...

supplant your name, is the point I was making.

Anonymous said...

That only works in the ghetto, and even there, it's losing it's "charm".

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot, HMF. I'm not sure what your point is. All of your posts are regurgitated gobbledygook about gender (nothing particularly new, thoughtful, smart, or that would lead to a constructive change in the way men and women approach each other), although you seem to posit yourself as some sort of "logical" enlightened cultural arbiter. Grow some balls or end yourself (I know I'd prefer the latter).

THE_HMF said...

Oh thats original.. talk about nothing particularly new.

This from someone who can't even identify himself, if I'm not thoughtful, logical, and enlightened, how about you issue some kind of logical counter-argument other than "gobbldygook" but you can't, so you resort to your standard bullshit.

And regarding your last suggestion, of course you'd prefer the latter, anything that would prevent you from actually thinking would surely be preferable to you, whoever you are.

Grow some balls? Are you saying men are inherently stronger people? but wouldn't that mean *Gasp* that genders are different!?

THE_HMF said...

And of course I could tell by your opening line "you're an idiot" that you've carefully engaged in a thoughtful analysis, and subscribe only to the highest standards of eloquence.

Did you even read the post I had written investigating how the women perpetuate double standards that are in their benefit, but in doing so they are perpetuating the very negative double standards they seek to eliminate? Ie how paying for dates, is rooted in a concept of the hapless maiden?