Friday, January 2, 2009

Racists to America: It's 2009, and we're still going strong

Racists kick off 2009 the right way

They should sue. What better way to prove their commitment to America, and show the world their true American-ness than by a "frivolous" lawsuit?


Anonymous said...

Don't worry man. 2009 will be the waterloo of these americans. dollar will fall. But as their economy worsens, expect the real inner ugly american to emerge. the only question is whether they will prefer to take the rest of the world down with them. without doubt, it will be a nasty fall. Obama has been brought in to take the blame.

THE_HMF said...

what do you mean dont worry? if these americans start to feel it, what does that say about the millions of non-white americans that are gonna take an even bigger fall.

Anonymous said...

it will just be a temporary setback for "nonwhites" but a permanent displacement for the whites. BEFORE THE FALL, THERE ARE ALWAYS TANTRUMS WHICH HAVE TO BE TOLERATED. before british left, they created huge tantrum called partition.

earth shattering ideological paradigm shifts are happening in addition to the power shifts. just think how hollow all the constant american pratter about freedom and liberty sounds today. at the very least, by 2050, whites will become minority.

THE_HMF said...

" at the very least, by 2050, whites will become minority."

doesn't matter. if the top 99% of the wealth resides with the top .05% (who happen to be white), when these people fall, it means everyone else is roasting in the earth's core.

Anonymous said...

Muslims aren't a race. You have white, brown, black Muslims. How is this incident about race? seems like religious discrimination

THE_HMF said...

It's not exclusive to race, but it includes race. if it were white wearing headscarves and having beards, they'd be looked at as freaks. not terrorists.

Also, I'd imagine if it were people of the same complexion, without beards and headscarves making the comments, the result wouldve been exactly the same. Of course, this hightened racism might've existed due to it being new years day.

Anonymous said...

>>>>when these people fall, it means everyone else is roasting in the earth's core.<<<<<<<<

of course, there will be a struggle and a lot depends on the abilities and leadership pointers of the home countries (India, China). These countries contain huge populations who have not been christianized, enslaved, secularized, and so on, and thus have huge potential for initiating fundamental paradigm shifts.

I believe there will be a struggle between the uncle tom sepoys and the traditionalists (for lack of a better word). Same was seen in post independence india in the struggle between the macaulayites (nehruvians) and the "traditionalists". But, just the very fact, that they must rely more and more upon sepoys to do their dirty work (orientalist caricaturizing, etc) is a sign of their relative decay. Obama is a sepoy but he is sign of decay in the "system". will the "system" adapt or will it collapse will depend on whether the natives abandon their defensive ramparts to take to the offensive...

THE_HMF said...

How does any of that bs have anything to do with the fact that white racists who have all the power, when they fall, everyone else in the country will fall even harder.

Anonymous said...

A few thoughts -

1. Common sense tells us that if and when a terrorist strike hits, the terroists will not have their beloved spouses and young children in tow. And will not be operating in such large groups as a cohesive force.

2. If there was sufficient grounds for doubt, they simply could have been stripped and searched, no need to kick off plane.

3. Muslims need more positive propaganda in the media - by Muslims. Unite, organize and get out there.

4. Could a majority of Muslim Americans organize to the extent of boycotting air travel? Especially in these hard financial times that would put an even bigger dent in the economy. Money talks.

5. As far as the collapse of the American economy and way of life as we know it, those who know how to survive off the land will be the ones to thrive.

6. This economic crunch is a boon for everyone. It's time we ALL traded in our materialistic and shallow ways for survival, frugality and a simpler, more spiritual way of life. That's right, trade in your bling-bling for some down to earth humanity . That goes for everyone from the 'hood to the should!

THE_HMF said...

"This economic crunch is a boon for everyone. It's time we ALL traded in our materialistic and shallow ways for survival, frugality and a simpler, more spiritual way of life. That's right, trade in your bling-bling for some down to earth humanity . "

Tell that to a girl that wants a $100 a plate dinner every weeknight.. PAID for by the hard toils of other males.

Anonymous said...

I've never met anyone who has ever expected or even desired a $100.00 per plate dinner every night of the week.

Who are your peers and what crowd do you socialize with? The Al Sauds?

Anonymous said...

yesterday I heard a right wing radio nutcase have an interview with another right wing nutcase. the topic of discussion was whether american decline would be in the first or second obama term. those are the terms of debate at the moment and for next few generations. everyone and their mother is discussing "american empire". do you remember hearing such just eight months back. I am sure there were some wondering whether we would suffer more after british left. how can we leave the warm embrace of mother brittania?? but look at big historical picture.

look, even the muslims are discussing the positives of their history and culture and they are not that different from the whites as far as the record goes. indians need to project their own civilizational success, otherwise be ready to spend the rest of your life digesting others' bs stories.

THE_HMF said...

Ok, that's an exaggeration. but wanting it at all in my view is hypocrisy, unless they believe in other gender norms.

why are you calling yourself HMFemale, are you supposed to be my counterpart or something like that

Anonymous said...

"Tell that to a girl that wants a $100 a plate dinner every weeknight.. PAID for by the hard toils of other males."

Even you HMF can find that special someone. You just need to expand you horizons beyond flesh & blood and live women. I think you will find true love on

Anonymous said...

"why are you calling yourself HMFemale, are you supposed to be my counterpart or something "

No. I just figured out that HMF stands for high maintanance female, read it on a site. Had no idea what it stood for previously.

THE_HMF said...

"I think you will find true love on"

even they probably won't settle for regular air, and want some scented peppermint air or some shit.

However, I dont think my standards are too high. be honest, and believe in equality.

Non hypocrite women are more than welcome to apply however.

"No. I just figured out that HMF stands for high maintanance female, read it on a site. Had no idea what it stood for previously."

No it doesn't