Sunday, October 26, 2008

Being a nice guy

Can someone explain why nice guys are repeatedly shafted, when women regularly say they want someone respectful?

I had a debate with a woman, and she stated that female privilege wouldn't exist if men were smart (and didnt do stupid shit to try and impress them)

Couldn't I say, on the flip side, that male privilege wouldnt exist if women didn't repeatedly turn towards men that treated them poorly?

Think about it.


Anonymous said...

Short answer -- Nice guys finish last in real life, both in the job world and in the social world. Check out this book:

It is a fairytale like Santa Claus that if you are nice, nice things happen to you.

Anonymous said...

This is the same rationale some women use to justify not being nice enough to pay for some dates, go dutch, by their men expensive gifts etc. They think by being nice and considerate that they will end up used, abused, taken advantage of. Maybe some of them are right but it's not my experience.

THE_HMF said...

Shanti, you have to admit that you are like the biggest outlier on the entire planet. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you unzipped your skin and out walked an alien from planet SPREAUUBION.

I've never had a woman even think of paying for a date or buying an expensive gift. in fact most women I meet are surprised that tangible objects cost money.

And how is "going dutch" being nice? Isn't that fair? Isn't that a hallmark of equality? It should be called "going human" or "going earth" as everyone on earth who believes in equality should follow it.