Friday, October 3, 2008

Alea iacta est.

Since it's clear my presence at SM is to be eliminated permanently, and any attempt of mine to rejoin the discussion will be deemed as "trollish" behavior, I've decided to post a little epilogue here.

This is not meant to be a complete list, nor is it meant to be a "bash" list (or Korn shell list either, oh I kill me.), rather an account, mostly by memory, of some of the more striking interactions and people with whom I've interacted, both past and present.

There is a caveat however, these summaries are purely my opinion, and drawn from memory, if I had more time I'd be able to ferret out the actual SM discussions I've referred to in the following descriptions.

I'd say the biggest issue with ANNA is having to recognize her AS an issue. I had no issues with her, in fact no opinions at all. If anything, I'd say my opinion of her is mostly positive. However, I liken ANNA's presence on SM, to the Jewish communities presence in America. Now, before you start going all "poo poo anti-Semite! (1) " hear me out, then chose either to process the context, or ignore it and dismiss me as an anti-Semite(1).

When someone joins SM, (assuming they come in with a "clean slate") invariably you will see ANNA write a post where she's defending herself and taking some kind of statement very personally. When questioned, others will come to her defense, with statements like, "she's been attacked before, just for being a woman, etc.." After many iterations of this, a new person is eventually forced to take an opinion, even if they do not want to. In a way, she's a perpetual victim. The same way some (not all) Jews call upon the Holocaust (2) to reclaim their victimhood, you basically force anyone who's emigrated to the United States well after Jews in America have rebounded to keep thinking about them. (by the way, before you start flogging the anti-semitic flag at me again, this is the exact same logic used to tell blacks to 'shutup' when they bring up issues such as slavery, reparations, etc..) Yet white people can use it all the time, and not be "racist" yet when spoken towards the Jewish community, amounts to discriminatory, horrible, horrendous, illegitamite thinking.

Anyway, the upshot here is, I do think Anna is a tremendous addition to SM, and a diligent, smart, blogger. But you're forced to have an opinion about HER. even if you don't want to. I can't tell you how many times, I myself have been accused of "disrespecting her" when my response was, "I dont have the time to point you out specifically and disrespect you! don't flatter yourself!"

I dont know how instrumental she was in my banning, but I do believe she has been very fair, and respecte the right to free expression of opinion, and namely "keeping it real."

Oh. and one thread some time back, she posted a picture of a girl in jeans (with her head cropped off), and asked guys to comment whether she was "hot" or something like that. My guess is it was her (either from before hand or now).


Not sure which component of my posts she took towards, but apparently had a "crush" on me or something of that nature. I'm assuming she's reading this, maybe she can comment on what specifically she took towards?

I think he called me a bot once, and after that really not much interaction ensued thereafter. He's definitely a little darling over at SM, and that's just an artifact of human nature. Objectivity and lack of bias can never truly be achieved.

I had no real issue with him, but found most of his posts cumbersome and circumambulous, they circled around and around, and relied on concepts that your average person wouldn't know. For example, conditional probability and complex statistical analysis (I having done some probability in a different arena, could pick up on those, but not having studied say, genetics to that depth, would not be able to pick up on a central thesis) In a general interest board, every post need not be a masters thesis. or require one to determine the central point and argument.

One of the largest misrepresenters of my posts, but has toned down of late. In my view, someone who believes we should all just pretend to be white, forget who we are, where we came from, and live happily ever after. I'd imagine if there was a painless way to have our skin bleached, she'd be first in line. Sorry, but that just doesn't fly with me. Otherwise, most of the time I believe her arguments amounted to "yeah but the left-wing does the same thing" or something to that effect. So, in many cases would completely ignore the point being made, and just assume everything's a "wash."

I believe our discussions mostly surrounded male-female relationships, and social dynamics. Our largest differing point has to do with certain privileges afforded to the female in the formation of male-female relationships.

Camille & AK
I'll group these two together because they are two of the more sensible women on SM (in addition to ANNA, although I've never really discussed any of the issues with her). One's who've actually taken the time to dissect my argument and provide at least a somewhat reasonable, well constructed response. They've been unable to address the fundamental points I've brought up, but
at least they didn't lash out like others have done. Ak, in particular, for her call to other women, that indeed if they are to be treated as equals, they should act as equals. (I'm not sure if Camille has said this before explicitly, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt)


This was one of the people that attacked, yet shrieked in horror, and cried foul when attacked back. The only discussion that comes to mind is regarding a commonly done practice at elementary schools regarding Thanksgiving, where kids dress up as "pilgrims" and "indians" (guess which one I [and most probably, the majority of readers of SM] always was?) I believe he countered with some kind of point that when he grew up they dressed up in pink leotards or some sh*t. To which I answered, "yes but the majority is..." and his response was something to the effect of, "yeah well you didnt mean it when you said majority, you meant all"

She once complemented me on my sense of humor. Of couse, this was until she became a target of that very same sense of humor, then I conveniently turned from "cracking her up" to being "bitter." Now, her calling me bitter is somewhat like Sarah Palin calling someone "simple minded" but the speed of her knee-jerk "woman is always right and always a victim" response to everything would put an epilepsy patient to shame. Any male-female dispute was always rooted in the woman being abused or victimized, or something of that nature. Even if the woman set off a thermo nuclear bomb that blew up planet earth, some guy abusing her was the root cause.

I believe one time she likened a man paying for a woman on various preliminary social interactions, to a man 'leading' in ballroom dance, or some ridiculous statement like that. (I assume this was done to trivialize the act of paying from a male's point of view) I dont know where she lives, but I can't pay rent, buy food, pay ma bell and the power company with pictures of me waltzing and doing the tango, however, these service and product providers generally do accept money.

She's the person who would most definitely benefit from the statement, "if women want to start being treated as equals, they better start acting as equals."


He's pretty new to the "I hate HMF" front, but his biggest problem is the constant inability to actually address the point, which many of my other detractors have done. Rather he provides a stream of poorly constructed insults, and requests if "I'm going to whine about that desi girl that left me for a white guy" or something to that effect. Gee. never heard that one before.

My answer is what it's always been... no... because I've known many desi women that have gotten proverbially 'slapped in the face' because they chose to underestimate the innate racialism and negative assumptions dormant in even the most "liberal" of white people out there. And i'm just not the "I told you so" type of guy. But I did... tell them so.

Not much to say here. Never really discussed anything with this guy. (3)

The end. there may be more to come in the future.

End notes:
(1) Anti-Semite (used to mean attitudes against the Jewish religion and people) in and of itself is a pro-Jewish word, as Semitic people include Arabs, among others, so technically speaking, an anti-semite is someone against this entire group of people, not just the most powerful subset, but this is a digression.
(2) Again, a pro-Jewish term, the word holocaust etymologically breaks down into "complete burning", and is used to describe a large scale extermination of a group of people, the largest example (on American soil anyway) being the Native American extermination and genocide. Yet in America, the proper-noun-ified version of the word refers to a genocide (which was horrible no doubt) that occured on an entirely different continent, of a lower amount (accounts have the Native American extermination at 10 million or so)
(3) Funny thing, the word Manju means sweet.


Anonymous said...

Umm dude...I think that picture Anna posted was of Beyonce, not herself.

THE_HMF said...

ok. thats why these are opinions. the point is, the face was cut off.

Anonymous said...

Aren't Muralimannered & Nayagan the same douchebag ?

THE_HMF said...

I have no idea, it's hard to keep track of the detractors and enemies out there. you might be right.

Anonymous said...

It me again (Anon_2_10)

If you have the time and patience, a bit of digging will confirm that the two handles belong to the same idiot.

As regards that pompous jerk who vomits statistics like he has a stomach bug, Razib, here is something on him

And the utter hypocrisy of SM in allowing this idiot to post freely when he's had a long reputation of being a racist jerk

I don't think you are losing out much by skipping that cesspool.

Anonymous said...


More on Razib

THE_HMF said...

I had no idea. thanks for these links. I dont wanna turn this into a hate razib post, because frankly I'm pretty much indifferent to the guy. but these links you've provided show 3rd party corroboration to my contention, ie blatant unequal treatment (for a period of time anyway).

Anonymous said...


I'm not wasting anymore time on Razib. Just posted that info to point out the blatant hypocrisy on SM. Somebody did post one of those on SM and they blithely ignored it. Despite all their "non-racist, non-sexist" blah blah motto. After a while you realize they're just full of it. If you are not one of their faux-intellectual clique, you are not going to be accepted.

THE_HMF said...

I know what you mean. Sometimes people have to band together and fight the good fight, form a grassroots campaign. I received a little insight as to why he's so well accepted over there, can't get into it here though.

Are you the same anon that wanted to "pose me a question"

Anonymous said...


I'm curious about why razib has such an exalted status there. It's not like his notoriety is a secret. Or do they like a conservative who is kind of a dumb over the top caricature to slyly show their own supposedly liberal superiority.

No, I'm not the other anon.

THE_HMF said...

Sorry man, I can't get into it here, I suggest you email them

THE_HMF said...

By the way, I hope the person who asked me to keep it off the record appreciates and sees I that I chose to honor that request. Because I'd tell you if I could.

Anonymous said...


While I am mildly curious about their special treatment for said douche bag, I really don't care enough to make a special query. It's their blog and they have do what they please. But I find their self delusion hilarious. When the blog first started, they had a lot of interesting subjects and discussions. Now it is just self righteous navel gazing.

Anonymous said...

Regarding ANNA, she is quite a character. She's a gifted writer but I think her talent could be better directed than maintaining a wide ranged web presence that is ultimately only ever about her. She comes off paradoxically narccisstic yet very friendly and caring at the same time.

I find her rants and her obsession with the virtual web world to be extremely immature considering that she is nearing her mid 30s.

Appearantly she has now hooked up and is living with that arrogant little 20 something fresh out of college (basically psychologically still a teenager)
who was on SM's hate list a year or two ago when he insulted the looks and career choice of JANEOFALLTRADES and a few other mutineers. He's now back in their good graces coz he's ANNA'S boyfriend now and it does seem like he's matured and chilled out a bit under her influence. I think he went by "Gautham" back in the day but now he's Spottie and Spottieottiedopalicious.

With all the online weeping ANNA does over her lost loves you would think she would've learned her lessons and avoid dating guys almost a decade younger than her with whom it is obvious that there is no real longterm future. Out of all the mature, professional, handsome and genuinely good desi guys out there she had to go and pick this one?

Seriously. Not. Getting. It.

Or could it be that mature and professional desi men don't want to spend their time, energy and money on a 30 something desi female with the constant and unrelenting online addiction of a teenager?

Anonymous said...


Was Gautham's earlier persona BidiSmoker ?

Anonymous said...

Si Senior, Bidi Smoker, that's the one. She's shacked up with that fool. Can you believe it?

Anonymous said...


It's a strange (dating) world out there. Somehow would never have put the two of them together.

THE_HMF said...

Hey guys, not that I have anything against free discussion. but someone did once say a person's online persona can be much different than their in real life persona. So, thats that, and I'm not going to defend or put down anyone, rather just state my opinion based on online interactions, I make no statement against their off-line personas.

Thanks for contributing here, yall. I will continue to contribute to SM in a limited fashion.

Anonymous said...

I agree that we often take liberties online that we would never take face to face, however, like you said above, at SM one is almost forced to make ANNA an issue even if they don't want to.

She claims that only max 20% of what is going on in her life is shared online yet that 20% is enough for people to call her out on some things and take issue with her. When they do, she takes issue with that. Maybe she needs to be even more discreet and selective with what she puts out here online then.

One of her relationships that she weeped publicly over ended due to misconstrued online antics yet rather than learn from that, she exposes her current relationship to the world wide web as well.

Not only that but the dude is 8 years junior to her and just fresh out of college. It's almost as if she sets herself up for heartbreak and disappointment on purpose. You know, women who sabotage their lives and relationships on subconsciously due to low self esteem or some other such issue.

What right do I have to comment on any of this? Well I'd have none if it wasn't all over his and her blogs. But they've made it public so it's fair game.

Anonymous said...


why do you care who Anna dates? Who cares if she discusses it on her personal blog? She hasn't mentioned any of that stuff on SM- it seems like you follow her obsessively and then talk shit about her for no reason. Maybe you should examine yourself instead of wasting time online trashing other people's personal lives.

Anonymous said...

She hasn't mentioned any of that stuff on SM?

Anonymous said...

And this from her twitter;

"Eva Longoria, Halle Berry and Mariah Carey all have younger men and no one gives them shit. If I date one, I'm pathetic and desperate. Nice"

They don't just "have" younger men, they are MARRIED to them. There's a difference. ANNA has made us all aware how much she would like to settle down, get married and have kids. So then why sabotage the oppurtunity to do so by shacking up with an almost teenager who is NOT going to marry you instead of putting yourself out there in a serious way to meet some quality 30 something and 40 something men? It's not like our community has any dearth of aunties and uncles who would be more than happy to aid in the quest.

This is what I call feminine stupidity.

Anyway HMF, at least ANNA is reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

And this from her twitter;

"Eva Longoria, Halle Berry and Mariah Carey all have younger men and no one gives them shit. If I date one, I'm pathetic and desperate. Nice"

They don't just "have" younger men, they are MARRIED to them. There's a difference. ANNA has made us all aware how much she would like to settle down, get married and have kids. So then why sabotage the oppurtunity to do so by shacking up with an almost teenager who is NOT going to marry you instead of putting yourself out there in a serious way to meet some quality 30 something and 40 something men? It's not like our community has any dearth of aunties and uncles who would be more than happy to aid in the quest.

This is what I call feminine stupidity.

Anyway HMF, at least ANNA is reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

And this from her twitter;

"Eva Longoria, Halle Berry and Mariah Carey all have younger men and no one gives them shit. If I date one, I'm pathetic and desperate. Nice"

They don't just "have" younger men, they are MARRIED to them. There's a difference. ANNA has made us all aware how much she would like to settle down, get married and have kids. So then why sabotage the oppurtunity to do so by shacking up with an almost teenager who is NOT going to marry you instead of putting yourself out there in a serious way to meet some quality 30 something and 40 something men? It's not like our community has any dearth of aunties and uncles who would be more than happy to aid in the quest.

This is what I call feminine stupidity.

Anyway HMF at least ANNA is reading your blog.

THE_HMF said...

Alright folks, this wasn't meant to be a hate fest against any one person.

I really dont want to censor anyone for stating opinion, but who someone dates when, where and how is not really what I was seeking with the blog.

In fact Im damn surprised anyone's reading.

Anonymous said...

My comment posted 3 times by mistake. You can delete 2 of those.

Anonymous said...

actually it was me who posted that comment, and I'm not Anna. I still question why do you care so much? And I've never seen anything on Sepia about her dating an "almost teenager".

Why are you so obsessed with Anna's personal life that you stalk her on twitter? Why do you need to speculate on her personal life? Why is it so important to you that she date someone acceptable to you? This says a lot more about you than it does about her.

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous October 20, 2008 8:53 AM

Isn't it kind of ironic that bloggers who spend infinite hours blogging about other people and posting their opinions on everything under the sun are surprised when they themselves becomes the subject of other blog posts. If you are going to be bold enough to play in the blogosphere, be warned that it can bite back. Hard. Not everyone is going to post a "ZOMG, u are soooo cuuuute" kind of comment.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but bloggers at least have websites that they stand behind and where people can respond. They aren't anonymous trolls taking potshots at other people's personal lives from their mother's basements.

THE_HMF said...

Jesus christ, are these two anonymouses arguing? at least identify yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but cyberspace is a free for all. Anyone can post anything from anywhere, even their mom's basement, even their step dad's garage.

When you make the choice to put yourself out there you're opening yourself up to all kinds of reactions. Can't take the heat? Get outta the kitchen!

Anonymous said...

Bloggers who spill their personal details on the web are like people who leave their bedroom curtains wide open and then get upset if somebody walking by on the sidewalk laughs at them. There is no requirement that anyone has to have a blog of their own or identify themselves to comment. There is no Fairness Doctrine on the internet.

Anonymous said...

She's moved out of Bidi Smoker's rat infested hole to a nice, new place of her own. Let's see if he moves with her.....

Can't believe she's with that guy.
He's so trite and such a bad writer.

I bet a million bucks he sucks in bed too. And not the good way.

Anonymous said...

Now that Obama's won we can expect some corny-ass, trite commentary from Bidi Smoker's blog