Saturday, November 22, 2008

The real thanksgiving

I know its early.

But I always like to use this time to remind people, of the true meaning of thanksgiving, and the true history behind it. Not the whitewashed version we see on TV and in elementary schools on a yearly basis.


Anonymous said...

hmf, i hope you will celebrate thanksgiving by giving out pox and syphilis infected blankets to needy white people.

just suggesting it because that would be a meaningful use of this reminder.

THE_HMF said...

it would take a little more than that if we're gonna go the retribution route. which is justified by the very bible the early europeans claimed to follow. As you sow you shall reap.

Anonymous said...

with this kind of originalist thinking, you should find a lot in common with the staunchest republican.

THE_HMF said...

I'm not endorsing the "originalist thinking" you used it in a trite and overused manner to make a sarcastic joke, and i pointed out, given that frame, it's still not balanced.

We'd need to give the pox and syphilis blankets, scalp them, kill most of them, and herd the rest into reservations.

Now its unfortunate people like you don't see the value in an honest look at history of the country, and prefer the candy coated version we're fed from day one.

THE_HMF said...

It reminds me a debate I had with a white roommate many years ago, not knowing what to say (Because the facts were clearly against him) he shrieked

"What do you want me to do? Cut off my hands?"

I replied:

"No, that doesnt help anyone. just use them to correct the wrongs done by people who looked like you many many years ago"

Anonymous said...

"No, that doesnt help anyone. just use them to correct the wrongs done by people who looked like you many many years ago"

So how and why is anyone responsible for the wrongs done by people who looked like them many many years ago?

Doesn't make any sense.

Sure, I do what I can in my small way to help people who come to me for it, but I do this for anyone, not a particular group. And I do it organically, as it comes up, not in any sort of organized way. I just don't have that kind of time.

THE_HMF said...

"So how and why is anyone responsible for the wrongs done by people who looked like them many many years ago?"

The implication is they benefit currently for those wrongs. that was the context of my statement, and if you had a half a brain you'd know that.

if I go into your house and steal everything you own and burn your house down, and four generations later my progeny are better off than your progeny, if they have any sense of integrity and "fair and balance" they'd take responsibility for what their ancestors (me) had done, since it directly affected their comparative advantage.

Anonymous said...

There were no plantation owners amongst my ancestors.

Anonymous said...

just to clarify, the first two postings by "anonymous" on this thread were by me, not the later ones.

Anonymous said...

Black women are contributing to the oppression and poverty of religious desi women;

My, my what is this world coming to????

THE_HMF said...

"There were no plantation owners amongst my ancestors."

doesnt matter dawg. if you're white, you're benefiting from white privilege.

Anonymous said...

I'm having a hard time connecting the dots here. I am presently on goverment welfare and living very close to, if not on, the US poverty line. I don't see how this ghost entity called "white privelege" exists in my personal world.

For the new age and politically correct folks we might say there is something called "non-black privelege". In that case desis are amongst the number one benefactors in this country. By and large they attend the best educational facilities and get the best jobs and the best incomes, homes, etc. The Good Life. Do desis owe something back to African Americans as well? How about to poor white Americans such as myself?

Something to ponder....

THE_HMF said...

"'m having a hard time connecting the dots here. I am presently on goverment welfare and living very close to, if not on, the US poverty line. I don't see how this ghost entity called "white privelege" exists in my personal world. "

ceteris paribus my friend.

take someone with those exact same conditions but with darker skin. You'll know what white privilege is then. Can you walk down the street without having people wonder if you are a terrorist or criminal? Yes. There are hosts of other things taht money cannot buy, but whiteness does.

Something to ponder.

" Do desis owe something back to African Americans as well?"

Yes we do. because we wouldnt be granted that opportunity unless black americans paved the path for us .I understand that, uncle tom desis do not.

If it werent for black americans, you and I couldnt walk on the same street side, or I'd get llynched.

As for poor white americans, class is a barrier too, without a doubt, dumb white rednecks that cant add have class barriers but they are orthogonal to race barriers. You cant compare a white busboy to michael jordan, compare a white busboy to a non-white busboy.

Anonymous said...

A. What is a "redneck"?

B. Weren't there some desis living in USA during segregation and lynching times? Were they lynched?

C. Do you believe in reincarnation?

Anonymous said...

After what just happened in Mumbai we need to ask ourselves if there is anything within Islamic ideaology or culture that gives rise to terrorism. Muslims really need to reflect and it may come to pass that there religion/culture will have to undergo a serious overhaul from within.

I'm sure everyone is watching CNN right now as I am.

Happy Thanksgiving indeed, eh?

THE_HMF said...

what in the hell does this have to do with fighting the white washed history of the US of A?

Anonymous said...

Have fun at the SF meetup!

Anonymous said...

Police torture political prisoner: protest white oppression

THE_HMF said...


wonderful, now racists are making their voices heard on this blog.