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This blog is the personal voice of HMF. HMF was a regular poster on the site sepiaMutiny ( but was subsequently banned (then unbanned, then banned, then unbanned then banned again) for reasons only made moderately clear.
I prefer to see the glass as half full. People with these hateful views have been around from day 1. It's just a couple of steps behind those people who feel honor and duty bound at each and every mention of Obama, to point out that "he's half white". However the country has voted, and everyone has to accept the results.
Thankfully most of us AMERICANS are ready to move on.
dillettante, good to see you back here.
No, I agree with you, Obama's victory (even in Iowa) has been a remarkable one, that's really forced a lot of us to change our views. I've already admitted that it was a result I didn't expect, and actually doubted even though polls were saying otherwise (remember polls in 2000 and 2004?)
Anyhow, I just wanted to point the irony out that most of the republican leadership and minions are going on an on about the "historic" nature of this election, yet spent a good part of 2 years harping on Jeremaiah Wright, Bill Ayres, Acorn, and other ways to bring down Obama in subtly racist ways. Now all of a sudden they're excited about the "history changing" vote?
give me a break.
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